Tank Monitoring
Agency, Pryor and Wyola, Montana
to Bid
Sealed separate bids
for the Construction of Remote Tank Monitoring for Crow Agency, Pryor and
Wyola, Montana will be received by the Crow Tribe Contracts & Grants
Department P.O. Box 159, Crow Agency, and Montana 59022 until 3:00 pm Thursday
October 31, 2013. Bids will be opened at 3:30 pm.
The project consists
generally of installation on remote tank monitoring equipment at Crow Agency,
Pryor and Wyola. The Contract Documents, including drawings may be examined or
obtained at the Contracts & Grants Office located in the Crow Tribe
Administration Building P.O. Box 159 Crow Agency, MT. 59022 or by contacting
Elizabeth Old Chief, email
or 406-638-3787.
Contractors seeking
to bid on this project should be aware they must be Indian-certified as defined
in the Crow Tribe Workforce Protection Act (“WPA”), CLB 09-01, as amended by
CLB 10-04, and will be required to comply with the requirements of the WPA ans
the implementing Crow Tribal Employment Rights(“TERO Regulations), adopted June
2011. Coies of the Crow WPA and TERO Regulations are available from the Tribe’s
TERO Office and should be reviewed in order to ensure compliance.
The Contractor and
any sub-contractor(s) doing work on this project will be required to obtain
registration with the Montana Labor and Industry (DLI)and the Crow Tribe Tribal
Employment Rights Office (TERO) prior to bidding on this project. Forms for the
DLI registration are available from the Department of Labor Industry, P.O. Box
8011, 1805 Prospect Helena, MT. 59604-8011. Information on registering can be
obtained by calling406-444-7734. Forms for registering with the Crow Tribe TERO
can be obtained by calling TERO @ 406-638-3834. Contractor is required to have
registered with the DLI and Crow Tribe TERO prior to bidding on this project.
All laborers and
mechanics employed by the contractor or sub-contractors in performance of the
construction work shall be paid wages at rates as may be required by the laws
of the state of Montana and the Crow Tribe. Also,
Federal Davis-Bacon wage rates apply to contractors and subcontractors
performing on federally-funded or assisted contracts in excess of $2,000 for
the construction, alteration, or repair of public buildings or public works.
This project is
funded by the Environmental Protection Agency
The Crow Tribe
reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals based on the
information received and to accept the lowest bid that is responsive and
responsible in the best interests of the Crow Tribe. If no bids are received
from and Indian Certified firm that is technically qualified for the project or
if no bids are received at a reasonable price, then bidding for the project
will be open to all interested bidders without limiting competition to
Indian-certified forms and will be announced in a subsequent invitation to bid.
Pursuant to section of the Crow nation Workforce Protection Act, I hereby certify that
this document complies with the requirements of the Act.